Monday, November 18, 2013

Passion Party #491 - Ship It

When I started writing the Passion Party blog there was just one simple theme:
"Helping other people get inspired".
It was a short message with a long story.
How can I inspire others when
I feel angry, alienated and out of control?
I wanted to be honest
and the honest truth was that
I was angry at all the things I had no control over.
It was a time for letting go
for reconnecting with meditation and nature
reading inspiring books by others
and creating a quiet time to write,
to journal and document what, it turns out,
is a life-long journey filled with creativity and passion.
Now it is time to release The Pursuit Of Passion to the world.
Unlike the bitter poet in "Vicky Christina Barcelona" that spends his life writing poetry
and then will not publish it or read it to anyone because he hates mankind,
my purpose was - and is - to inspire others.
And there is fear in putting my creation out into the world.
Is it good enough?
Am I worthy? 
Is it a waste of time? And money?
The answer is:
Create the best you can do
and then release it.  Give it birth.  Publish.  Ship it.
My old friend Mark Berndt once said,
"You can't put out your second album
until the first album has been released".
Now that I have put out 7 albums, I know what he is saying, and the same holds true in writing a book.
Don't wait.
What are you waiting for?
And so I hope you can join me, in spirit or in person,
at my Book Release Party for  The Pursuit Of Passion
at 5:30 PM PST tonight
at Rush Street, Culver City, CA 90232

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Party Over Here! Book Signing on Monday 11/18, 5:30 PM

Please join me for this special event!  I look forward to seeing you.  please RSVP, as I need to know how much food to order!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Passion Party #490 - Turning 30

For me turning 30 was painful.
Coming from a generation that was taught “Don’t trust anyone over 30”, it was like approaching the Dark Side.

I was a mess of emotions.

I was in a rough place. My wife and I continued to live beyond our means, using credit cards to keep our lives afloat.  I was in the midst of an early and ongoing “mid-life crisis”.  Music was not paying the bills, and I could not go back to selling cars again.

On my birthday I remember the only phone calls I got were from creditors, and the only mail I got was bills (sounds like a blues song...)
At the same time I was getting this strong internal desire to have a child with my wife Shelby.

People speak about a woman’s body clock, but I know it is not just women that have this feeling.
Having known Shelby since before the birth of her first son, and having helped raised him from the age of 5 or so, Shelby and I felt we would be good parents together.  But our son was still a year and 10 months away from showing up.

I guess what I am saying is
Life is not simple, not orderly,
It rarely happens as we want it to.
But somehow it all works out
And a wonderful person
Shows up
And grows up into a wonderful man,
father and husband.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Passion Party #489 - Clean Page

I love the thought
of starting a clean page.
A new blank book, crisp and untouched
with unlimited potential.

My favorite writing book consists of blank lined pages,
hard bound, pages numbered in the lower corner.
The binding is solid
like something of value
something that will keep for a long time
something for the ages.
The numbered pages help me know
I am at the beginning of a new chapter.

The new chapter is arbitrary
one book runs out of pages and the next one starts
but it is timely
and at the moment feels appropriate.

Thoughts flow from my mind
ink flows form the pen
the clean page becomes filled
and it is time to start another day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Pursuit Of Passion, now on, and in Kindle format

Now available for delivery from

The Pursuit Of Passion

Passion Party #488 - Busy Brain

Estate plan
Quarterly reports
Thank yous
Gift Certificates
Come alive again
Great sex
Sun rising
Off to work
how do I fit it all in?
Back to work
Forward to work
We meet and share our deepest fears
that our parents don't love us
But of course they do.
What you look to find
is often what you discover
so look for the good
wage peace and prosperity
Give what you can
There is a story here to tell,  though I am not sure what it is
And I love you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Passion Party - Simplify

I have started to simplify my life and I do that first by choosing who I spend my time with.
Creating time is an interesting concept - there are only so many hours in the day, but it seems that some people get so much more done than other people.
It is like cleaning the hard drive on your computer: you can create more space and then things move faster.
So today I want to give things away to create more space in my life.
I want to give my time to help others.
I want to give good financial counsel to the people I love.
I want to give away some old clothes I don't wear any more.
I want to give my son a ride to and from school.
I want to be of service to the school music programs.
Being generous feels good.
The more I give, the more I will be able to receive.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Pursuit Of Passion - Life / Purpose Mad Libs

This whole purpose - mission - vision - goal thing is quite confusing.
If you have ever been to a planning retreat you know what I mean.
Spending hours sorting through the difference between how these four items relate to your business – or your life – is almost as much fun as a visit to the dentist.
It is pretty easy to set a goal, so why not just leave well enough alone? 
Is this navel-gazing really worth the time?
It helps to think of your purpose as the view from 40,000 feet.
It’s the bigger perspective
And now and then I need that sense of clarity.

Your purpose and your goal are two very different things.
Your goal may be to become a TV screenwriter,
but your purpose in life is not to be a TV screenwriter.
Your goal may be to make more money
but your purpose in life is not to make money.

The more your life is aligned with your purpose
the more joyful and passionate your life becomes.

Four years ago I discovered this simple formula to help find my purpose. This "Life Purpose Exercise" was created by Arnold M. Patent and it goes like this:
1) List two of your primary personal qualities, such as "enthusiasm" and "persistence".  If you are not sure, ask someone who knows you well.
2) List one or two ways you enjoy expressing these qualities when interacting with others, such as "to support" and "to care for"
3) Assume the world is perfect right now. What does the world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer in the present tense describing the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is fun place to be.
Example: "Everyone is expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony."
4) Now combine these items into a single statement:
My purpose is to use my _____(1)_______ and _____(1)__________ to ______(2)_______ and _____(2)_________ others to _____________(3)___________.

A while ago I did this exercise.
Here were my answers:
1) Creativity, organization
2) To help, to inspire
3) There is enough for everyone. We are all working together to build better lives. Everyone works from a place of love.

And here is my life purpose:

"My purpose is to use my creativity and organization skills to inspire and help others to build a better life in abundance and love."

I had not looked back at this exercise for the last four years.
So ­– surprise
The pursuit of passion fits my life purpose.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Passion Party #487 - Everything You Know Is Wrong

We rarely have original thoughts
Our minds are filled with
newspaper stories
Facebook posts
news headline, details at 11:00.

And if we go deeper, below our thoughts
we find our belief systems.
These may have come from teachers we had,
or books we have read,
but most of them come form our upbringing.
From Mom and Dad.

I know it is true because my momma told me.
But what if momma was guessing?
What if she was just repeating what her momma said?

So much of what we are taught (or not taught)
about love, money, relationships, business...
is wrong.
If we clear the slate
and start from
"What is my experience personally?" and
"How would I like my life to work?" and
"What beliefs will support that vision?"
we can rebuild that belief system
until finally our life and our beliefs feel congruent
and everything we know is right.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Pursuit Of Passion - Whatever It Takes

Here is the second selection from the book, The Pursuit of Passion:

Whatever It Takes  
About 33 years ago I let go of my possessions, threw a few things into a Dodge van, and moved to Los Angeles. I decided to do whatever it takes to start a new life as a musician and composer.  I would be a pianist/composer in Hollywood, a musical “gunslinger” for hire.

About 23 years ago, when my son was two years old I got my first job in finance.  It had been ten years of grabbing scraps from Hollywood’s musical buffet table, and it was time to move on. “Road work” was not an option; the hit song remained illusory.  I looked at my watch and it said, “Time to get a real job.”
I had decided to do whatever it takes to shift into a new career.  A crash course in the Series 7 License got me a job at a municipal bond firm, which got me a job as a stockbroker in the Roaring 80’s.
Three years later I knew I was not meant to be a stockbroker, and I moved into banking.

About 20 years ago I got my first job as a loan officer for Columbia Savings and Loan. I decided to do whatever it takes to be a successful loan officer.  I rapidly learned that this meant leaving behind a regular paycheck and becoming a commission-based “salesperson”.

About 11 years ago I was burnt out after the real estate crash in the '90s, and was ready to try something new. I decided to do whatever it takes to build a mortgage business built on trust and honesty that would allow me to earn a great income and still have time for my music, my family and my life.

It is now 2009. After a long ride of financial success, my mortgage business collapsed with the rest of the economy.  Life is a struggle.  Any fun that existed in my business has been sucked out. 

I am here now. Once again, I am ready to do whatever it takes to rekindle the passion in my life.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Pursuit Of Passion - Change or Die

Here is the first page from my upcoming book, "The Pursuit of Passion".

Change Or Die
It began out of frustration.
My life was stuck in a downward spiral of
hard work, dislikes, and have to's.
I had lost my passion for the business.
The question was, "what one thing can you change today
to raise your frequency to help pull yourself and other people up?"
I thought for a moment and said,
"I guess I could meditate.
I used to meditate.
But my life is so busy, my business feels so out of control, I don't have the time."
"What if you got up at 5:00 AM to meditate?"
I thought about it.
There is no way I could wake up at 5:00 AM every day.
Don't even ask me.
"What if you commit to meditation for 21 days?
One day at a time, for 21 days, you get up at 5:00 AM, meditate, and then write your
inspirational thought for the day."
"I guess I could do that.
For 21 days."
Then pick a dozen or so friends, and every morning after you write in your
journal, send them the post."
I saw what was happening.
So I agreed to reinvent myself every morning, to get in touch with my passion, for 21
And so I joined the 5:00 AM Club
and the passion party was born.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Money, Part 6 - Frugal Fest

I went to a business lunch yesterday in Brentwood
at a very fine, stylish restaurant
and I had a $17 cheeseburger.
After the ice tea, tax and tip the lunch came to $28.00.
The restaurant was full of people,
businessmen and women, as well as families with young kids,
and I thought, 'Well, no recession here!"

And yet, at our table the conversation turned to the fact that each of us has a brother or sister that had recently lost their job and was looking for work.

So today I think it is time to join
Frugal Fest:
the celebration of clipping coupons,
having dinner at Happy Hour restaurants
or better yet eating at home,
and re-using those plastic bags, turning off the lights, etc.

The Latin root for frugal, "frui", means to enjoy
and it refers not just to being "cheap"
but it reflects economy in the use of money and other resources as well.

Today I can remember that it feels good to live within one's budget;
it feels better than
any $15 martini
or $17 hamburger.
It is hard to set a budget and live within it,
but today I am willing to enjoy being economical.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Money, Part 5 - Being Poor Sucks

Being poor sucks.
I have been rich, and I have been poor,
and being rich is better.
The starving artist thing gets pretty old at a certain point.
I remember as a student spending summers working at my dad's office, a sheet metal factory in Queens NY,
and hating it, counting the hours I worked there,
and doodling over and over again:
The Best Things in Life are Free! The Best Things in Life are Free!
And I still believe this to be true.
But I would rather spend a day at the beach with a $50 bill in my pocket than be worrying about how to buy my next meal or where I am going to sleep that night.

You can have a lot of money and still feel poor, and you can have a little money and feel rich.
So I guess to some extent
once you get past the bare necessities
being poor is a state of mind.

Money doesn't buy happiness
but I am certainly happier when I have money.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Playing Big, on Wednesday, August 14

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? ... Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson, Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Please join me as I "Play Big" with the "Secrets" Quintet tomorrow night:

in Hollywood for a special night of great Jazz.
It promises to be an exceptional night for jazz lovers, combining all of the
various currents found in the “jazz ghetto”:  Latin Jazz, Groove, Be Bop,
Classic and Contemporary Jazz.

Don’t miss this one – our last show in January was a sell out!

Only one set - $15 cover charge + 2 drink minimum.

6725 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028
(1 block east of Highland, park on No. McCadden)
Please RSVP for best seats: (323) 466-2210

Friday, August 9, 2013

Money, Part 4 - Time and Money

What if you had lots of money, but no time to spend it? I often think that money buys time, but it doesn't really. Making money takes time, and making lots of money takes a lot of time. That is why they call it work.
I know that there are constantly books being written about getting rich quick and such, but I remember one big"AHA" I got when I read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill: The people who make a lot of money work really hard to make it happen.  They are dedicated to that pursuit.
I prefer a "get rich slow" scheme: a gradual, never ending accumulation.

What if you had lots of time, but no money? Many people feel this way, when there is "too much month at the end of the money". It is a nice thought to be free of the constraint of work, to be able to just "do what you want". But it can be pretty lonely, and sitting around the library can get old also.

There must be a balance, then. The old model of "work until you are 65 and then retire" is not really a model I aspire to. I don't want to "retire". I want to spend my life learning, growing, and being of service, hopefully until I die.
I can't use the excuse "I don't have the time" or "I don't have the money" any more.
I have the time, and I have the money.
Now I just need to learn to keep them in balance.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Passion Party #486 - How it Happens

I had been thinking about writing a new ballad for quite a while.

Recently I listened to "Relaxin' with The Miles Davis Quintet".  These classic albums from the late 50's are often the touchstone that trigger my creativity.

One song struck me, "You're My Everything", by Harry Warren.  The block chords from Red Garland, the sparse playing by Miles and Paul Chambers, and Philly Joe Jones.  An incredible mood.

I thought I would follow that song form, and write my own ballad.  But what would it be?

This morning I woke up thinking about a song that would connect "The Pursuit of Passion" to my musical world.  It would need to be heart-based, as this pursuit is all about following your heart.

How about "Follow Your Heart"?  I know John McLaughlin wrote a song by that title.  Many songs have been written with that title, why not one more?

I heard a song that would start with block chords, and a melodic phrase that would change and vary, stretching with each reiteration to fit the chords as they wandered.

A little turn of musical phrase.

I woke up, did my stretches, and sat down at the piano with some blank sheet music, and the chord progression of "You're My Everything" as my guide.

The melody flowed out onto the page.

The song is in the key of C, but I wanted a song that would never resolve, so wherever the resolution appeared, I added a substitute chord.  The melody continued to float onto the page.

The melody is searching, changing, finally settling in for the last four bars, settling in but never resolving to C.  Instead it ends on A flat major, with C in the melody. 

Like even when you know you are home, some things change and leave you feeling that there is more to do, more to explore.

In about an hour, the song was complete.

And that's how it happens.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Money, Part 3 - Money is for Motion

Money is for motion.
It is the grease that gets society moving.
It is a man-made creation, an easy way to exchange goods and services.
If you hold on to it, it loses value.
If you let go of it too fast, it will leave you with nothing to show but memories.

I use it to give motion to my dreams, my desires, and when I nurture it and use it to further my highest and best self, it can give me countless rewards.

Money does not care if you are rich or poor.
It is an exchange of energy, and like all energy can be used for good or evil.

I chose financial services as a career partly because I felt that if I could be around the flow of money some of it might rub off on me. Then I learned that by standing in the middle of the stream it was easier to catch the fish.
So now every day I stand in the stream of abundance and let the energy reach me;
I don't chase it, I let the money come to me.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Passion Party #485 - Answer The Phone

We get caught up in all the latest technology
the newest software
the various tricks and techniques to build our business.
But people don't want tricks and techniques,
People want to be taken care of.
Derek Sivers, the founder of the internet company CD BABY
says that one of the most successful things he did to build the company was
to tell everyone that if the phone rang, it should be answered within 2 rings.
If the person next to you is busy, answer the call for them, take a message or transfer them to the right person.
People want human contact.
Clients loved calling CD BABY, because they knew they would always get a real person on the phone.
Answer the phone.
Do what you say you are going to do.
Success will follow.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Money, Part 2 - I Love Being Paid For What I Do

I love being paid well for what I do.
The greatest thing about being an entrepreneur is that my income is not tied to an hourly wage.
Rather than someone telling me, "Your job is to do this, and you will be paid $10.00 an hour to do it", I create my hourly wage based on what I choose to do and the value I create for people, and for myself.
Of course there is a scary part attached to this: the "eat what you kill" primitiveness.
If I choose to be an elephant hunter, then I may go many days without food. This takes preparation and planning to succeed.

I like to be of service.
I like helping lots of people, so I would rather help 10 people get little things done than wait for the one $10 million dollar client that needs my help.
Being paid well for what I do builds self-confidence
and self-worth.
It creates the freedom to design my business even better so I can be more efficient, which creates more money and security or more freedom, whichever I choose.
(Some people work for security, some work for freedom. I work for freedom.)

Being paid well for what I do creates BALANCE in my life.
So this year my "business plan" is very simple:
1) How much money do I want to earn every month?
2) What activities do I need to do every month to hit that target?
3) Consistently do it. Don't stop when I hit the target one time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Relationship With Money - Part 1

Our society has set interesting rules on who gets paid what.
There is a relationship between
skill - talent - difficulty - knowledge - function - and value.
Skill alone does not make money
- there are many skilled bus drivers.
Talent alone does not make money
- there are many talented artists that are starving.
Difficulty alone does not make money
- working in a coal mine would be difficult.
Knowledge alone does not make money
- librarians are very knowledgeable.
Function alone does not make money
- there are many out of work bankers right now.

I spent many years as a starving artist, and while I was visiting that place I discovered that, right or wrong, society placed more value on certain jobs than others. Playing piano in a hotel lobby, no matter how skilled or talented I became, would not pay me as well as becoming, say, a software programmer or a film composer.

So then the question became "How much do I want money?" And "How much money do I want?"
And the question behind the question became
"How important is that to me?"
What am I willing to give to achieve the goal of making money?
And which jobs that fit my
skill - talent - degree of difficulty - knowledge; - perform a function that society feels creates monetary value?

I love making money
I love what I do
What I do creates value
What I do makes money.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Passion Party #484 - Sing Out

I inhale I
I exhale am that
I inhale wonder
I exhale thanks
I inhale light
I exhale perception
I inhale trust
I exhale hope
I inhale life
I exhale renewal
I open my mouth
expecting tears
but joy comes instead
a song of joy
a song that needs to be sung
that needs to be heard.
Sing out!
Now is no time to be silent.
The song that needs to be sung
is within you,
waiting to come out.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Passion Party - Time, Part 4 (more relationship with time)

 More Relationship With Time

If we all agree that
your choice today creates the future,
then how you spend your time today
creates your future relationship with time.

Long ago I decided that time was valuable, and I did not want to waste it.
I decided that I would spend 90% of my time at work actually working;
if I am not working I would rather be somewhere else, so why not just be somewhere else?

Now that I have committed to
focusing on work while I am working,
I can use technology and team-mates
to help create a better use of my time.

Efficiency does not create more time,
it creates the illusion of more time
because I get to spend more time
doing what I want to do.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Passion Party - Time, Part 3 (My Relationship With Time)

 My relationship with time
is that I am always trying to create more of it.
It used to be an argument with the clock
but the clock always won.

We have all agreed
to live by the clock
dividing our days and nights
into 24 pieces of 60 minutes each.

And yet some of us
seem to get so much more done
in the time we are given.

What allows a Mozart to write 41 symphonies in 35 years? (A complete set of his compositions takes up 180 compact discs!)
What allows a John Coltrane to change the course of jazz and release 24 albums in 12 years?

An intensity
a sense of purpose
a focused use of the limited time we are given

Now my relationship with time is more of a negotiation -
how to steal an hour from sleep
so I can be more awake,
how to be more efficient in the hours
that make up this conscious journey.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Time, Part 1:Creating Time / Finding Time

Creating Time / Finding Time

Einstein said matter cannot be created or destroyed.
He also said that time is relative.
So is it possible that time can be created or destroyed?
Even if time is relative, it seems a given that we cannot get time back once it is gone. Benjamin Button not withstanding, we don't grow younger, we grow older.
We can try, like Michael Jackson, to freeze time in youth, live our lives in Neverland, but our bodies understand the concept of aging, whether we want them to or not.  I guess Michael found that out.

Time is like the airplane seat that flies away empty; it will never be able to get filled again until, maybe, the next flight.

I like the idea of creating time. Why not? We have created the calendar, we have created the concept of 24 hours in a day, but we did not create the fact that the sun rises and falls, and we are not limited to what we can get done between sunrise and sunset.
Waking up at 5:00 AM has created time, it has created a new world for me to discover.

And I love the idea of finding time. I find time all around:
under the water cooler, in the fridge, inside the newspaper or People Magazine. We find time every day for so many things.
What if we used that time in a different way, to create, to dream, to pursue, to fly on that airplane so the seat does not leave empty.

Passion Party- Time, Part 2 (Quiet Time)

 Quiet Time 

In preschool
they taught us "Quiet Time"
that time each day when we sat
or lay on our blankets
in silence

Now I need to make time to be silent
getting up at 5:00 AM
rising before the sun
the silence filled only
with the pumping of blood through my body
and the white noise of the electric lines and the cars on the freeway.

Clearing the mind
not trying to figure things out
but just to feel the feelings
letting the mind drift
like clouds in the sky

A time for acceptance
and renewal
creating a fresh start to the day.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Passion Party #483 - Solving The Maze

At a very young age I became interested in puzzles and mazes.

Making my own designs and mazes was much more fun than trying to solve mazes in a book.  I spent many hours during boring days at middle school, doodling mazes on math graph paper  (as well as in the history text book, which got me into trouble).

My friends and I would trade these mazes, trying to stump each other, making mazes that included bridges, or holes in the paper that would make you fall through to the other side of the page, where the maze would continue.

When I finally moved on to college, I kept one folder filled with these mazes, thinking that someday they might be fun to play with.

Then life happened.

Years passed.

My path in life was not a straight line.

There were turns and twists, places where I fell through the floor and felt like I would not find my way out

Many years where, looking forward, I could not really see the path I was on; I just knew that I was still putting one foot in front of the other.

A recent college reunion found me digging around in the garage, and I came upon the box marked "High School 1969".   I started looking through this old box of photos and writings and, lo and behold, I came upon my "puzzle and maze" folder.

These things were tough and convoluted,
but then I remembered one of the secrets to solving a maze.

The fastest way to solve a maze is to start at the end and follow them backwards to the beginning.

This may be one of the secrets of life, as well as mazes:

If you start at the end, the path reveals itself, and the maze becomes easy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Passion Party #482 - Change Or Die

It began out of frustration.
My life was stuck in a downward spiral of
hard work, dislikes, and have to's.   I had lost my passion for the business.

The question was, "what one thing can you change today
to raise your frequency to help pull yourself and other people up?"

I thought for a moment and said,
"I guess I could meditate.  I used to meditate.
But my life is so busy, my business feels so out of control, I don't have the time."

"What if you got up at 5:00 AM to meditate?"
I thought about it.  There is no way I could wake up at 5:00 AM every day.  Don't even ask me.

"What if you commit to meditate for 21 days?
One day at a time, for 21 days, you get up at 5:00 AM, meditate, and then write your inspirational thought for the day."

"I guess I could do that.  For 21 days."

"Good.  Then pick a dozen or so friends, and every morning after you write in your journal, send them the post."

I saw what was happening.

So I agreed to reinvent myself every morning, to get in touch with my passion, for 21 days.
And so I joined the 5:00 AM Club
and the passion party was born.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Passion PArty # 481- A Sense of Adventure

It has been almost four years since I began pulling myself up from the depths of the “mortgage meltdown”.
And it has been 5 years since I took a major vacation.
So next week I leave for a 12 day trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos.
We are doing a hiking “adventure travel” trip.   Adventure travel is the fastest growing sector of the travel business.
Whenever we get an email update from our tour company they always close with “Make sure you bring your sense of adventure!”

So as I look at the mortgage world today,
I realize that I am in the adventure travel business:
You have to be flexible and open to change.
There’s always something new around every corner.
The itinerary might say we are going to fly, but be ready to get on a boat instead.
You plan for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Before the trip is done, you are bound to experience something you never thought would happen.
There may be turbulence, but as long as you stay in your seat, you will get to the destination.  Just don’t jump up and start trying to fly the plane yourself!
And bring your sense of adventure!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Passion Party #480 - Confidence Box

There are days when I get so beat up
 I begin to doubt myself
my knowledge turns to dust
I get defensive, angry and ready to quit.
I feel like a faker,  a fraud,
and I lose any sense of self-worth.
At times like this I need my Confidence Box .
Hidden in the back of a drawer is an old cigar box
filled with mementos -
my back-stage pass from when I was a touring rock 'n' roll musician
the gold ring my Dad gave me
A picture of the Dodge Van that brought me to California
a picture of my wife and kids
my largest paycheck
a photo of me playing music with world-class musicians
a list of upcoming vacations for the year
the photo of me hiking the Inca Trail in Peru, fit and healthy
Small photos of my mentors and heroes (Charles Ives, Lincoln,  ...)
Thank you notes from home buyers that I have helped
a list of the 10 things I most want to do before I die
And suddenly, life does not seem so bad
this too shall pass
my worth in confirmed.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Passion Party #479 - Fear Of Flying (Part 2)

Icarus received his wings from his father.
Everyone remembers his father’s warning about flying too close to the sun –
You might get burned, like the moth attracted to a flame.
But people forget his father’s second warning, about
flying too close to the water, where the waves might affect the lift of the wings –
You might drown by flying too low
 just as easily as falling from the sky if you fly too high.

We follow our fear of flying too high
With the willingness to fly too low
Staying too safe
And in the end
Settling for too little.

The middle path
Is not one of reckless stupidity
or mindless compliance.
It is one of being willing to risk,
Flying higher than you ever thought imaginable
On the shoulders of our fathers
In a world where everyday
the impossible
becomes possible.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Passion Party #478 - Play At Your Own Risk

 "How do you become  a successful artist?
Become indispensable to people who care”.

-Seth Godin

You have to play at your own risk.

And what if you fail?
It is not life or death -
The failure may hurt inside, but it won’t kill you.
You just do it again, do it better,
Get it closer to
“This is how I want to do it”
“This is how I want it to be done”
”This is what I stand for”.

If you don’t create and share your art, no one will miss it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Random quotes from Seth Godin's presentation

From the "Insight One20" convention this morning:

Vision is different from seeing.  We need to learn how to see in the moment.
Embrace the blank slate.
Don't get hung up on the rules.
Betty Crocker is the Patron Saint of Marketers.
"More" used to be the byword
Now we have more resources than previous Kings of Europe.
Your resume is just proof to a company that you fit into a slot.
Just because you are winning the game does not mean its a good game.
Study how the music industry went from "perfect" to "impossible" - it can happen to your industry next!
Human beings connect - that is what makes us human.
Our job is to convert risk to trust.
Julliard  Conservatory is designed to create orchestral factory workers.
The trouble with the race to the bottom is that you might win.
If you don't launch your art, no one will miss it.
The new normal is being pushed out towards the edges, so the money is in smaller markets, selling things that are "not for everyone".
Perfect is not the answer.
You have to fail to succeed.
Better beats bigger

Thank you, Seth Godin!

Friday, March 15, 2013

My new "Pursuit Of Passion" Photo

Passion Party #477 - Walk Through Fire

Walk Through Fire
My greatest triumphs are not easy:
they take timing, strategy,
strength and commitment.

They often take me to dangerous places
way out of my comfort zone.
It could be a control burn in the forest or hot sand that can burn my feet.
What do I have to lose?  What do I have to gain?

To reach this level of greatness
the only way out is through
the house is on fire, and there’s no turning back.

Sometimes getting to the finish line means
you have to walk through fire
It is time to face my fears
and reach for the blaze of greatness,
reach for my highest self.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Passion Party #476 - Obstacles

Sometimes I forget why I am here
the daily grind gets too difficult
the road too steep
the obstacles too huge.
It reminds me of the inner-city elementary school class
on its first trip to a national forest.
Just imagine
children that have never been in the woods
hiking on a well marked dirt trail
and they come to a large tree,
fallen across the path.
The children yell,
"Our path is blocked!  We have to turn back!"
It is only with the teacher's encouragement
the children realize
they can leave the path and walk around the tree,
perhaps even climb on top of it
for a better view
of things to come.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Passion Party #475 - A New Dream

I carry the dream

of a small boy
wishing to create his own rules
create his own country.
where people live in peace and harmony
where creativity is the fuel.
where people love and respect art and music
and joy is the currency.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Passion Party #474 - Life Purpose Madlibs

This whole purpose - mission - vision - goal thing is quite confusing.
If you have ever been to a planning retreat you know what I mean.
Spending hours sorting through the difference between how these four items relate to your business – or your life – is almost as much fun as a visit to the dentist.
It is pretty easy to set a goal, so why not just leave well enough alone? 
Is this navel-gazing really worth the time?
It helps to think of your purpose as the view from 40,000 feet.
It’s the bigger perspective
And now and then I need that sense of clarity.

Your purpose and your goal are two very different things.
Your goal may be to become a TV screenwriter,
but your purpose in life is not to be a TV screenwriter.
Your goal may be to make more money
but your purpose in life is not to make money.

The more your life is aligned with your purpose
the more joyful and passionate your life becomes.

Four years ago I discovered this simple formula to help find my purpose. This "Life Purpose Exercise" was created by Arnold M. Patent and it goes like this:
1) List two of your primary personal qualities, such as "enthusiasm" and "persistence".  If you are not sure, ask someone who knows you well.
2) List one or two ways you enjoy expressing these qualities when interacting with others, such as "to support" and "to care for"
3) Assume the world is perfect right now. What does the world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer in the present tense describing the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is fun place to be.
Example: "Everyone is expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony."
4) Now combine these items into a single statement:
My purpose is to use my _____(1)_______ and _____(1)__________ to ______(2)_______ and _____(2)_________ others to _____________(3)___________.

A while ago I did this exercise.
Here were my answers:
1) Creativity, organization
2) To help, to inspire
3) There is enough for everyone. We are all working together to build better lives. Everyone works from a place of love.

And here is my life purpose:
"My purpose is to use my creativity and organization skills to inspire and help others to build a better life in abundance and love."

I had not looked back at this exercise for the last four years.
So ­– surprise
The pursuit of passion fits my life purpose.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Passion Party #473 - Finding The Core

I keep asking myself the question,
"what do you really want to do?"

Once I get past the ego
of how great I am
or how talented
or what a great composer
or I am writing a symphony,
the world deserves to hear my brilliance,
blah blah blah

Once I get all that out of the way
what is left?
I want to help people
I want to be of service
not just to the greater good
but to specific people,
to see the improvements and results.
Perhaps it is to help someone who never thought they could buy a property to get their first home,
or help someone living with mountains of debt to see that it is possible to climb out of that hole, one step at a time,
or lift someone's spirits when they are trapped in a snow-bound tent in the Yosemite back-country with only food, water and an iPod with my music on it,
or to be the best dad I can be for my sons by giving them time, when that was all I had to give.

This is the core of my passion.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Passion Party #472: The Pursuit of Passion

I would rather be in the pursuit of passion
than in the pursuit of happiness.

Somewhere in my early life passion became one of the emotions I realized was a key.
From a very early age I was interested in creating things.  When I was 10 my friend Joe and I would rather make our own board game than play Chutes and Ladders.
Later this creative passion led me to writing newspaper articles, having a radio show, acting, photography, film making, and in the end, a lifelong passion for music composition and theory.
This was a love affair that was deep and mysterious.  And like any great love affair, the more I gave, the more I got.
The less I felt in competition with others, the more my creative passion blossomed.
So I made a decision:
I would avoid jealousy and hatred
I would pursue passion and joy and love.
I have felt jealousy, and it’s a gnawing, destructive emotion. It pulls you and those around you down. It comes from a sense of lack, from not having enough.
I have felt passion, and it is a powerful emotion:
Talent + experience + passion = unstoppable
Passion is the fuel that keeps the fire burning.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Passion Party #471 - Hit The Reset Button

I hate recommitting.
There is an element of failure,
a sense of duty.
A recommit often becomes a should
and most "shoulds" are doomed.
The parent's voice in my head says,
"you said you would do it.
Now you didn't.
You're a loser."
Wouldn't it be nice to have a reset button like on a computer
that lets you get back to the factory settings with one click.
If it is true that deep inside
I know the right thing to do,
then if I hit the reset button
3-5 times a day
I may stray off course but I can correct before the pain arrives.
This is not hard at all
it just means finding someone I love
being willing
and asking for help

Friday, January 18, 2013

Passion Party #470 - A List of New Actions

Thank you to my business coach, Joe Stumpf.  At our seminar last week, Joe presented these ideas on changing old habits that no longer serve us into new actions to get where we want to go.  I could relate to many of them.  I hope you find this list as helpful as I did.
OLD HABIT:                        Giving up if not perfect
NEW ACTION:            Seeking imperfection
                                    Perfect is not attainable
                                    Be willing to go public before its perfect
                                    Progress not perfection.

OLD HABIT:                        Once I overcome resistance it is gone for good
NEW ACTION:            One day at a time, I go to battle with my resistance.

OLD HABIT:                        Recommit only when off course (Wait for the pain before I                                                 refocus)
NEW ACTION:            Hit the reset button 3-5 times a day.
                                    Find someone I love and be willing to share, ask for help

OLD HABIT:                        Judge my issues as “bad”
NEW ACTION:            Accept my habits as what helped me get where I am, and                                                 ask “will this habit get me where I want to go next?”

OLD HABIT:                        Closed down when there is a problem
NEW ACTION:            “Open during remodeling”

OLD HABIT:                        View success as an event, the goal to be reached
NEW ACTION:            Success is a process that reveals who I am becoming

OLD HABIT:                        Hanging on to my old story
NEW ACTION:            Forgive others and myself, be willing to let go of the past
OLD HABIT:                        Avoid difficulty
NEW ACTION:            I know my transformation begins when I turn towards                                                 difficulty.  I am willing to face the hardest thing first.

OLD HABIT:                        Everything is a curse or a blessing
NEW ACTION:            Everything is a chance to discover my willingness to get                                                 past fear

OLD HABIT:                        Using Responsibility as self-motivation
NEW ACTION:            Using Commitment as self-motivation

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Passion Party #469 - Old Habits Vs. New Actions

I don't believe in new year's resolutions
but I do believe that we can change.
The great thing about being human
is we can choose to do something different
and this choice
can take us down a different path
lead to new lands
and possibly a new life.

I want to look at old habits
that perhaps no longer serve me
and find the new actions
that can take me where I want to go
or even lead me to things that
I never thought I could achieve.

Acgtions that represent my generous life
Actions that reflect my trustworthy nature
Actions that speak to
the prosperous life I am already living.

Out with the old
        in with the new.