Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Pursuit Of Passion - Life / Purpose Mad Libs

This whole purpose - mission - vision - goal thing is quite confusing.
If you have ever been to a planning retreat you know what I mean.
Spending hours sorting through the difference between how these four items relate to your business – or your life – is almost as much fun as a visit to the dentist.
It is pretty easy to set a goal, so why not just leave well enough alone? 
Is this navel-gazing really worth the time?
It helps to think of your purpose as the view from 40,000 feet.
It’s the bigger perspective
And now and then I need that sense of clarity.

Your purpose and your goal are two very different things.
Your goal may be to become a TV screenwriter,
but your purpose in life is not to be a TV screenwriter.
Your goal may be to make more money
but your purpose in life is not to make money.

The more your life is aligned with your purpose
the more joyful and passionate your life becomes.

Four years ago I discovered this simple formula to help find my purpose. This "Life Purpose Exercise" was created by Arnold M. Patent and it goes like this:
1) List two of your primary personal qualities, such as "enthusiasm" and "persistence".  If you are not sure, ask someone who knows you well.
2) List one or two ways you enjoy expressing these qualities when interacting with others, such as "to support" and "to care for"
3) Assume the world is perfect right now. What does the world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer in the present tense describing the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is fun place to be.
Example: "Everyone is expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony."
4) Now combine these items into a single statement:
My purpose is to use my _____(1)_______ and _____(1)__________ to ______(2)_______ and _____(2)_________ others to _____________(3)___________.

A while ago I did this exercise.
Here were my answers:
1) Creativity, organization
2) To help, to inspire
3) There is enough for everyone. We are all working together to build better lives. Everyone works from a place of love.

And here is my life purpose:

"My purpose is to use my creativity and organization skills to inspire and help others to build a better life in abundance and love."

I had not looked back at this exercise for the last four years.
So ­– surprise
The pursuit of passion fits my life purpose.

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