Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Passion Party #309 - What I Want

Today I will focus on what I want
instead of what I don't want.

I want to work with responsive clients
I want to work with competent people
I want to be of service
I want to be in supportive relationships
with my clients, my co-workers, my family and friends
I want a prosperous level of of business easily and effortlessly
I want to leave the office each day with a clear mind
I want to feel physically strong
I want to be working on a big project that fills my desire to create
I want to be respected
I want to be loved
I want a joyful life
I want to live in financial abundance
I want to remember that I can create money whenever I want
I want to know that what I have is enough
I want to navigate with wisdom
I want to spend time with my family and those I love
I want to wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed
I want my positive energy to influence those around me
I want to be a beacon of light in the darkness.

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