Monday, January 11, 2010

Passion Party #138 - The A B C List

I start each day
with a simple list
A - Things to do today. (I try to keep this list to the six most important things, but lately it is becoming 9 or 10 items long, of which I usually get about 6 done)
B - Things to do this week. (This includes meetings, appointments, luncheons or breakfasts with people, projects that need to get done by Friday but not today)
C - Things to do in the next 90 days. (I update this every 3 months)

As the day progresses and I cross things off the list it feels good.
And the next day I evaluate the A list.
The things I didn't get done - are they still important? Then I move them to the top of the list.
Items that languish on the A or B list usually can be dropped. If they really are important they will soon be at the top of the list.

Then I move the items for today from the B list to the A list.

The little miracle of the A B C List is that usually by the end of 90 days, most everything on the C list is done as well.

It is as easy as A B C.

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