Monday, April 11, 2011

Passion Party #353 - The 90 Day List

I love making lists
Starting the day with 6 - 10 things to do
and crossing them off, one by one,
gives me great satisfaction
and a feeling of accomplishment.

My favorite list is my "C" list,
a list of things to do in the next 90 days.
I create this list once every three months
writing down my Big Goals,
vacation plans,
specific things I want to complete or achieve in the next three months.
I keep this list handy
but I rarely look at it,
generally lost in my
day-to-day activities.
Then, almost like magic,
when the 90 days are done and I look at
the "C" list
virtually all the items have been completed.
Perhaps there is one to carry over.
More often than not
if the task is not done
it means to me that it was just that:
a task
and time has shown me it is not for me to do.
It is time to move on.

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