This daily journal came from a promise. Right before Memorial Day 2009, I met with my business coach Joe Stumpf. I shared with him my total burn out in my business of 20 years. Frustrated by what my life had become, I promised to get up at 5:00 AM every day, meditate and journal and focus on bringing passion back into every aspect of my life, my work, my family and my personal growth. Instead of going to work every day and having a PITY PARTY, I have decided to have a PASSION PARTY.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Kindle e-book sale starts May 1
Beginning on May 1, the Kindle edition of The Pursuit of Passion
is on sale for as little as 99 cents! The sale lasts a week, and the
price goes up gradually as the week goes by, so now is the time to grab
one for your Kindle! Go here to get your e-book on sale: nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias% 3Ddigital-text&field-keywords= pursuit%20of%20passion%20kahn or here:
http://pursuitofpassionbooks. com
Passion Party #510 - Build A Circus or Build A Library?
Do you pray at the Temple of Knowledge
or the Temple of Entertainment?
Is my purpose to entertain or to teach?
Our life is short and full of pain
so I will build a tent of wonder, magic and humor
filled with acts of physical dexterity.
Its purpose will be to bring joy to children
and to their families.
A circus is a place of humanity,
of financial and emotional exchange.
Our life is short and full of pain
so I will build a great library
I will bring people together to study and learn
from mankind's accumulated knowledge.
Organized knowledge is power and
a library is a lasting gift.
Its purpose will be to bring literature and wisdom to children
and to their families.
A library is a place of humanity,
of education and philosophical exchange.
So, given the choice,
would you build a circus or a library?
Monday, April 28, 2014
Passion Party #509 - If I Had All The Money I Want
Desire is not limitless
I can only eat so much chocolate cake before it spoils my birthday.
So it is with money.
I love having money
I love knowing that every day there is enough money in my checking account to cover my expenses.
I love he thought that
I control my income level and
I choose to make enough money for an abundant life
Every month I am able to set aside 30% of my income for savings and paying taxes
Life is good.
The purpose of my wealth is not to make more wealth
but to buy me freedom.
Freedom to do what I want as I get older
Freedom to travel and see my kids thrive and grow.
My current goal is a million dollars in the bank - this feels substantial.
And then the new challenge of not spending all of it before I die will arise.
Whether your goal is $100,000 or $100,000,000
it is all relative
it is just extra zeros
the important thing is to know that there is enough
and this, my friend, is an inside job.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Passion Party #508 - The Passover Egg
The story is told this time of year
in Jewish households around the world.
A story of freedom and redemption,
of a God that speaks directly to man
and causes miracles as well as hardship.
A vengeful God that in the end
takes away the life of one Egyptian generation
so that a new generation of Jews
can have freedom to search for a new land.
The story is told in symbol and song,
with a plate filled with items that, the book tells us,
represent the Pascal Lamb, the mortar used to build bricks,
the bitterness of slavery,
and Spring vegetables dipped in the tears of life.
But what of the egg?
The egg sits on the Seder plate, with nary a mention in the story.
This symbol of rebirth, of fertility,
is the unspoken connection to our Pagan past.
The Jews believe in one God,
but the holiday traditions still speak to the rituals
of celebrating and acknowledging the seasons.
It is no coincidence that the Festival of Lights falls near the Winter Solstice
nor is it an accident that Passover takes place during the full moon
around the time of the Spring Equinox.
The egg does not fit in the Haggadah;
It precedes the story
It is what came first
It is the new beginning
the new birth of the world
our connection to our primordial past
and a chance for us to make a better life in the future.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Passion Party #507 - Change and Progress
Just when I think I have it figured out, everything changes.
It happens all the time
and is a constant fact of life.
The question is
what do you do when change occurs?
How do you react to the new landscape, the new guidelines, the new mailman, the new pay structure?
Change happens automatically.
Progress is a choice.
I can choose to move forward
I can choose to grow
I can decide to grab the new rule book and learn it
or I can decide to write my own rule book, and see what happens
Whatever happens, I know that once I have it all figured out, everything will change
and then I will more choices.
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