Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Passion Party #479 - Fear Of Flying (Part 2)

Icarus received his wings from his father.
Everyone remembers his father’s warning about flying too close to the sun –
You might get burned, like the moth attracted to a flame.
But people forget his father’s second warning, about
flying too close to the water, where the waves might affect the lift of the wings –
You might drown by flying too low
 just as easily as falling from the sky if you fly too high.

We follow our fear of flying too high
With the willingness to fly too low
Staying too safe
And in the end
Settling for too little.

The middle path
Is not one of reckless stupidity
or mindless compliance.
It is one of being willing to risk,
Flying higher than you ever thought imaginable
On the shoulders of our fathers
In a world where everyday
the impossible
becomes possible.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Passion Party #478 - Play At Your Own Risk

 "How do you become  a successful artist?
Become indispensable to people who care”.

-Seth Godin

You have to play at your own risk.

And what if you fail?
It is not life or death -
The failure may hurt inside, but it won’t kill you.
You just do it again, do it better,
Get it closer to
“This is how I want to do it”
“This is how I want it to be done”
”This is what I stand for”.

If you don’t create and share your art, no one will miss it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Random quotes from Seth Godin's presentation

From the "Insight One20" convention this morning:

Vision is different from seeing.  We need to learn how to see in the moment.
Embrace the blank slate.
Don't get hung up on the rules.
Betty Crocker is the Patron Saint of Marketers.
"More" used to be the byword
Now we have more resources than previous Kings of Europe.
Your resume is just proof to a company that you fit into a slot.
Just because you are winning the game does not mean its a good game.
Study how the music industry went from "perfect" to "impossible" - it can happen to your industry next!
Human beings connect - that is what makes us human.
Our job is to convert risk to trust.
Julliard  Conservatory is designed to create orchestral factory workers.
The trouble with the race to the bottom is that you might win.
If you don't launch your art, no one will miss it.
The new normal is being pushed out towards the edges, so the money is in smaller markets, selling things that are "not for everyone".
Perfect is not the answer.
You have to fail to succeed.
Better beats bigger

Thank you, Seth Godin!

Friday, March 15, 2013

My new "Pursuit Of Passion" Photo

Passion Party #477 - Walk Through Fire

Walk Through Fire
My greatest triumphs are not easy:
they take timing, strategy,
strength and commitment.

They often take me to dangerous places
way out of my comfort zone.
It could be a control burn in the forest or hot sand that can burn my feet.
What do I have to lose?  What do I have to gain?

To reach this level of greatness
the only way out is through
the house is on fire, and there’s no turning back.

Sometimes getting to the finish line means
you have to walk through fire
It is time to face my fears
and reach for the blaze of greatness,
reach for my highest self.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Passion Party #476 - Obstacles

Sometimes I forget why I am here
the daily grind gets too difficult
the road too steep
the obstacles too huge.
It reminds me of the inner-city elementary school class
on its first trip to a national forest.
Just imagine
children that have never been in the woods
hiking on a well marked dirt trail
and they come to a large tree,
fallen across the path.
The children yell,
"Our path is blocked!  We have to turn back!"
It is only with the teacher's encouragement
the children realize
they can leave the path and walk around the tree,
perhaps even climb on top of it
for a better view
of things to come.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Passion Party #475 - A New Dream

I carry the dream

of a small boy
wishing to create his own rules
create his own country.
where people live in peace and harmony
where creativity is the fuel.
where people love and respect art and music
and joy is the currency.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Passion Party #474 - Life Purpose Madlibs

This whole purpose - mission - vision - goal thing is quite confusing.
If you have ever been to a planning retreat you know what I mean.
Spending hours sorting through the difference between how these four items relate to your business – or your life – is almost as much fun as a visit to the dentist.
It is pretty easy to set a goal, so why not just leave well enough alone? 
Is this navel-gazing really worth the time?
It helps to think of your purpose as the view from 40,000 feet.
It’s the bigger perspective
And now and then I need that sense of clarity.

Your purpose and your goal are two very different things.
Your goal may be to become a TV screenwriter,
but your purpose in life is not to be a TV screenwriter.
Your goal may be to make more money
but your purpose in life is not to make money.

The more your life is aligned with your purpose
the more joyful and passionate your life becomes.

Four years ago I discovered this simple formula to help find my purpose. This "Life Purpose Exercise" was created by Arnold M. Patent and it goes like this:
1) List two of your primary personal qualities, such as "enthusiasm" and "persistence".  If you are not sure, ask someone who knows you well.
2) List one or two ways you enjoy expressing these qualities when interacting with others, such as "to support" and "to care for"
3) Assume the world is perfect right now. What does the world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer in the present tense describing the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is fun place to be.
Example: "Everyone is expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony."
4) Now combine these items into a single statement:
My purpose is to use my _____(1)_______ and _____(1)__________ to ______(2)_______ and _____(2)_________ others to _____________(3)___________.

A while ago I did this exercise.
Here were my answers:
1) Creativity, organization
2) To help, to inspire
3) There is enough for everyone. We are all working together to build better lives. Everyone works from a place of love.

And here is my life purpose:
"My purpose is to use my creativity and organization skills to inspire and help others to build a better life in abundance and love."

I had not looked back at this exercise for the last four years.
So ­– surprise
The pursuit of passion fits my life purpose.