Friday, December 30, 2011

Passion Party #414 - Resistance Vs. Assistance

How many years did I spend
thinking I can do it alone?
I can do it better
No one is as good as me
I don't need anyone.

This resistance to change
stopped me from growing.
It slowed me down,
prevented me from helping people.

Resistance is slowing me down.
I need to let go of resistance
and ask for assistance.

Willing to delegate
trusting another person
asking for help
building a team

New concepts = New results

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holdays!

PLease enjoy my conducting debut with the Santa Monica High School Symphony, performing "Sleigh Ride" by Leroy Anderson

Monday, December 12, 2011

Two days until the Holiday Jazz Party Wed. 12/14

I hope you can join me in Hollywood Wednesday night. There are still $25 tickets available
Click here to learn more

Passion Party #413 - Actualizing Inspiration

We all have dreams and aspirations
But for many of us they remain just that -
a far off idea
that turns into a "what if"
or "I could have" or "should have".

The trick is to grab that inspiration,
create a structure for it
and then commit to another person
that you will do what it takes
to make it happen.

It's a simple formula:
A = I x (S + C)

Actualization = Inspiration x (Structure + Commitment)